Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Stir Crazy (Tangy Vegetable Stir Fry)

School holidays are here and with it comes a much needed break from homework, extra curricular activities and school uniforms (a collective sigh of relief from all parents). With it however comes those three words that make parents all over the world cringe, "I am BORRREDD".

I must hear this phrase at least 10 times an hour (ok slight exaggeration, but it sure feels like it) even with a collection of Xbox games, over 20 movies, a library of various books and a room full of toys. Followed by the dreaded "What are you doing mommy, can I help?". This leads to any meal that would usually take me 30 minutes now taking me at least an hour. (But at least it's an hour without those dreaded 3 words)

So in the interest of parents everywhere who have to deal with stir crazy kids this holiday I recommend a healthy (pun intended) dose of family cooking and have created the following easy recipe with them in mind.

Tangy Vegetable Stir Fry (serves 3 - 5)


Juice of 1 lemon
1 x tablespoon soy sauce
1 x tablespoon sushi vinegar 
1 x tablespoon honey
1 x 5- in-1 Chinese spice
1 x garlic clove, chopped
1 x star aniseed (optional)

10 mls olive oil
5 mls peanut oil (optional)

1 x baby red cabbage, shredded
1 x baby green cabbage, shredded
2 x medium carrots, cut into sticks
1 x small green pepper, sliced and deseeded
1 x small red pepper, sliced and deseeded
1 x small yellow pepper, sliced and deseeded
1 x small spring onion, sliced
1 x pineapple, peeled and cut into pieces (can use tinned as a substitute, but strain first)


1. Combine lemon juice, soy sauce, vinegar, honey, dry spice, garlic and whole aniseed in a bowl and lightly whisk till combined

2. Place your wok or pan on a high heat setting and add oil to the pan

3. Once oil has heated add all the vegetables and stir fry for approximately 5 minutes

4. Lastly add the mixture from step 1 and continue stir frying for another 2 minutes

5. Remove from heat and serve immediately

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