Monday, 31 March 2014

Wholesome Fast Food (Nutty Salad)

Fast food has seriously become fat food. With my last pregnancy I gained 25kg on a diet of mainly McDonald's and KFC diet (I usually hate them, but couldn't get enough). Nearly 2 years on and I'm still carrying most of that weight (and the drive-thru habit). So I decided this year instead of searching for that miracle cure, that makes you loose 20kg in 20 days, that I would adjust my lifestyle to be healthier (never thought I'd hear those words coming out of my chocolaty mouth). 

Step 1 was to not buy any unhealthy snacks (Sounds easier than it actually has been to ignore all sweat treats that smooth talk you at the check out). The intention is not to totally go off chocolates (seriously now), but to make it less accessible to me. Three months on and I think I've finally managed not to talk back to the smooth talking peppermint aero slab (yay for me). 

Step 2 is to cook healthier. I've been raised with a salad being a standard dish of lettuce, tomato, cucumber and onion (no dressing). So you cannot blame me when my gag reflex starts acting up at the mention of the word "salad". In looking at easy to prepare meals to replace the drive thru options I have since rediscovered the "salad" and realised that it doesn't have to activate the gag reflex (OK enough about my gag reflex). So I took my favourite healthy snacks (yes those do exist) and incorporated them into a salad. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised.

Creamy Nutty Salad (serves 2 - 4) 


10g french chives, rough chopped
20 g rocket, rinsed and dried
80g baby red and green lettuce, rinsed and dried
50g cranberries
50g walnuts
1 tablespoon lemon zest (optional, but it does give it a wonderful aroma and subtle taste) 
1 peeled avocado, segmented and de-seeded
Pinch of pepper 
Pinch of salt


1. Toss the chives, rocket, half of the cranberries, half of the walnuts, lemon zest and the pepper & salt  in a clean bowl
2. Arrange the lettuce in your serving dish and place the above mixture over that
3. Arrange your avocado on top on & then sprinkle over remainder nuts & cranberries

                                     Seriously fast food


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