Tuesday, 19 August 2014

5 easy ways to enjoy Royal Dansk

Royal Dansk cookies are pure butter biscuits in the old school tin. It reminds me of my gran's kitchen. It reminds me of tea time and everyone gathered around the table on a Sunday afternoon to enjoy a cup and a biscuit or two.

Now I have to confess that I am not a teatotaler (gasp!) and neither do I saviour a cuppa (say it ain't so). So I've come up with 5 ways that you enjoy Royal Dansk in your home.

1. 3 minute, 3 ingredient cheesecake (recipe here)

2. Banana, Caramel and cream topping

3. Ice cream topping

4. Dunking in coffee (for hubby of course). Love the nifty silicone coffee collar

5. Saving the best for last.........on it's own.

Happy Royal Dansking!

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