Sunday, 20 July 2014

Women Month Give Aways

I believe in this country of ours. No, I love this country of ours. I was recently asked by a close friend if I would emigrate and had a good long think about it. I wouldn't. I believe that this country has amazing potential. That the people are warm and talented and it is the responsibility of the educated and privileged (myself included) to give back.

Now giving back for me is material yes:

But it is also about the old adage of teaching someone how to fish:

The proceeds of this initiative teaches women in Khayelitsha how to bake and gives them the necessary skills to run a business. Thereby empowering them to to start their own micro enterprises. (The CT initiative is on the 2/8/2014 and you can email for further details.)

I will be making give aways this Women's month about giving to those who need it most.

Who's with me?