Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Going Greek (Greek Lamb and Tzatsiki recipe)

I was an extremely fussy eater growing up (except when it came to chocolate of course). My different foods on my plate weren't allowed to touch, I didn't eat chicken for a few years (just didn't like the look or smell of it), couldn't stand dairy and had tomato sauce with everything (except chicken). This is one of the many quirks my poor son has inherited from me. 

Getting him to try anything new is mission impossible, but on the odd occasion he does try something new and  actually likes it (gasp). We had a particularly difficult patch with him a few years ago (try 2 hours to finish a side plate of food) and after dining at a Greek restaurant he proclaimed his love for all things Greek. I immediately returned home and went crazy on Google to become an expert. After much trial and error I managed to get it just the way he likes it.

Tzatziki Recipe (serves 4 - 5)


500mls Double fat Greek yogurt 
1/2 x tbsp (7.5mls) freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 x (15cms) grated Mediterranean cucumber (squeeze juice out after grating)
1 x clove of garlic finely chopped
3/4 x tsp Italian Herbs (unsalted)
1/2 x tsp freshly ground pepper
1 x tbsp Green Leaf Olive Oil (proudly South African)

Just Add yogurt


1. Add all ingredients together in a bowl and mix evenly

2. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Serve at room temperature.

Greek Lamb Recipe (serves 4 - 5)


1kg Lamb Leg chops
1 x Juice of lemon 
1 x tsp salt
2 x garlic cloves, minced
1 x tbsp Green Leaf Olive Oil (proudly South African)
1 x tsp black pepper 
2 x tsp Italian herbs (unsalted)
1 x chopped chili, optional (the Indian in me can't help it)


1. Trim mutton of excess fat and marinade in the rest of the ingredients overnight

2. Turn heat up to high and add 15mls Green Leaf Olive Oil to a saute pan on the stove

3. Brown the mean once the oil is hot enough (do not discard the juices that are left in the bowl)

4. Turn the heat down to medium, remove the pan from the heat and add the left over marinade juices.

5. Simmer for 20 minutes then add 15mls freshly squeezed lemon juice and 30mls warm water. 

6. Repeat this process after another 15 minutes.

7. Simmer for 45 minutes in total or till meat is done.

Serve with pita and chopped cucumber, tomato & onion.
Mediterranean inspired plate from @CheckerSA

Now go break a plate! Opa!

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