Friday, 11 April 2014

Firmly Plant(ed) - Plant Cafe Review

My relationship with vegetables has always been a love hate one (I love the cocoa bean vegetable). I'm always trying to make vegetables more palatable for myself and end up pleasantly surprising me and those around me with the result (No I don't use chocolate in everything). Off course (Murphy's Law) when I just start being a better herbivore (okay, okay omnivore), we eat out and the veggie dishes are so limited (fries anyone). I was intrigued when saw all these delectable dishes on twitter, from @PlantSA, that totally made my mouth water.

Plant is a cosy cafe situated at the foot of the eclectic Bo-Kaap amongst the traditional Cape Malay cuisine that this area is so famous for. is kind enough to point you to a parking area close by (parking is a killer. Do take their advice). 

Chocolate and a social conscience. Will you marry me? (I know I'm married, just saying)

Lurv this t-shirt

 Dessert now or after? (Nom. Nom. Nom.)

One (there are many) favourite things about this place is the open plan kitchen. I need to know the state of the kitchen to truly enjoy my meal (paranoid much) and this one was spotless. 

     Pot ' O Chilli  (No, this plant is not on the menu. Found out the hard way.........) 

I went with the special of the day (Me Indian. Nothing strong) and after a few spoons I started to feel the heat. The dish was spicy, hearty, wholesome and the heat rounded it off perfectly (Needed a bit more bread though and yes I have seen my thighs).

Chocolate cheesecake

The cheesecake was more of a mousse consistency and flavour to me. It was decadent (my way of saying 5 star), creamy and just sweet enough (like the chef). 

Chocolate brownie 
(I know a 3 course meal should have a starter, but I swapped mine for some more dessert. It's all made from vegetables anyway.)

The brownie was dense, very chocolaty (told you chocolate was a vegetable) and can easily hold it's own against any non-vegan brownie (My son, the brownie connoisseur, was very impressed).

Plant was the full cafe package with a very diverse vegan menu.

"I will be back"

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