Monday, 7 April 2014

All fudged up (chocolate fudge frosting)

Coming up with a new frosting for cake is always exciting. Scouring old recipe books and googling every variation you think of (I feel like I'm doing a thesis). One frosting which I always revert back to is my (and it seems everyone's) favourite chocolate fudge frosting. The original recipe was always a fudge up and I was left with a ball of fudge, which I always pretended was my intention (I rarely mess up recipes and it was quite a blow to my ego). It's had been quite a challenge to tweak and master (many do overs), but definitely worth it in the end.

A fellow blogger won a chocolate fudge cake topped with fresh fruit last year from Decadent Addiction.

        Picture used with the permission of Namreen Firfrey Sonday

Chocolate Fudge frosting


60 mls water (Luke warm)
50g (50ml) Butter
90g (175mls) icing sugar (sifted)
60g (115mls) Castor sugar
30g (75mls) Cocoa (sifted)


1. Combine flour and cocoa in a bowl and mix evenly

2. Combine castor sugar, water and butter in a sauce pan

3. Place saucepan on stove and then turn the heat to medium high and stir till dissolved (takes about 2 to 3 minutes)

4. Bring to the boil and remove from heat immediately (do not over boil, otherwise it will Caramelise)

5. Quickly add the wet to the dry

6.  and beat with a metal spoon till smooth immediately (PS: keep some boiling water at hand and add an extra 10 mls if necessary)

7. Use immediately as a topping on any cake. 

Gorgeous as is or pair with some fresh fruit.

What's your favourite frosting?

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